ON February 7 the Denman Island Local Trust Committee adopted bylaws that now enable the transfer of title to 1151 Northwest Road, the land opposite the Community Hall, to Denman Housing Association.
It has been a long time coming, 10 years almost to the day since DHA was incorporated, but now Denman Island finally has land zoned and dedicated for multi-family, affordable housing The next step is finishing design and other work to a level that convinces BC Housing, CMHC and others that Denman Green is a construction project that deserves to be funded Our new and improved website (denmanhousing.ca), which will be ready for viewing by March 1, is where more details of the Denman Green project will be posted, and progress reported Finally, on Saturday, March 11, from 3 – 5pm in the Community Hall, we shall be holding our AGM.
Naturally, all are welcome. Those wishing to vote at the meeting, and who are eligible, being residents and/or property owners, only have to sign in at the meeting, with a Denman address, in order to do so. Following the formalities of the AGM, there should be time for any discussion about the Denman Green project and for questions to be answered.
The AGM Agenda and other documents will be posted to our new website ten days
before the meeting.